Monday, July 5, 2010

52 Marvellous Makes Madness Challenge

What am I to do when I see Jenny of ELFANTZ with an interesting challenge last month of making something by re-cycling some used denim jeans? I was given a pair by a visiting missionary family, who were passing through here on deputation, to leave at a second-hand shop (it had gotten some paint on them). So I decided I would use them some how…………..

Then I saw the “Make a Bag sew along” that Kelly's blog had, which I’ve already blogged about. So I decided I would do this fun project………………..

Then a couple of days ago, I saw this challenge, the 52 Marvellous Makes Madness Challenge . The idea is to make, learn or do 52 things in a year. I got thinking about some things I would like to do. So I decided I would have a go with this challenge……………

See where I’m heading too? So many things to make and do, and not getting back to my basket blocks, which I blogged about here, and no further sewing on my Dear Jane triangles!!!!

Anyway some things I’d like to achieve with the 52 Marvellous Makes Madness Challenge in a year.

1. Use my Slow Cooker or Crockpot more – found a couple of cook books in town. 5-Ingredients Slow Cooker Recipes by Jean Paré (Company’s Coming Kitchen Workbooks), at the local Post Office and the Women’s Weekly Slow Cooker recipe book, at Coles.

Have had fun cooking the following since July 1st:-
Homestyle Beef Stew (recipe from the internet)
Italian Beef Casserole (recipe from Women’s Weekly Slow Cooker)
Pineapple Cherry Cobbler (recipe from 5-Ingredients Slow Cooker Recipes)

All yummy, might I add!!!

2. Re-cycled denim jean items – Made a Japanese Knot bag from Helen Heath's Blog, that I’ve wanted to make for a while, and the Gathered Clutch. DONE July 4th and 5th

3. Make a Bag Sew Along – 3 accessories made – the tote, toiletries pouch and mini make-up roll.

4. Practice machine quilting – I made a table runner last year, using some cupcake fabrics I bought. I made it all, even sandwiched it, but stalled at the quilting. I had intended to machine quilt it all along, but was too scared to start or try… today, I thought “That’s it! I’m doing it no matter what!!” I want it finished and on the table I designed it to be used for. STARTED quilting July 5th

5. More Crazy Quilting (CQ) blocks and projects

6. Learn Ribbon Embroidery to use in CQ

7. Get a part-time job – after being out of the work-force for 7 years.

8. Complete the Dear Jane Triangles

9. Get up-to-date with the Basket blocks

10. Finish crocheting an Irish Rose lap blanket

I have a year to think of others things I want to make, learn or do for the 52 Marvellous Makes Madness in a year challenge, however, I’ve made or started 9 items in the last few days.


  1. How exciting, Susan! What a brillaint idea - I think this is a great task for Blossom and I to write down and aim towards. :-)
    Love all your finishes - your denim clutch is gorgeous!!

  2. Isn't that 52 Marvelous Makes Madness wonderful?!?!? It's liberating - just like someone's giving you permission to break out of your shell and do something new!!!


    Love your finished projects, but especially that lovely flowered tote! I have several tote patterns and haven't gotten around to making any, yet! *s*


  3. Hi there,
    I love the list of all your ideas for the challenge, and I have to say that the denim bag is wonderful, although I think you may have me mixed up with someone else's blog tutorial, as I only have one tutorial on my blog and its for a flower corsage.
    Best Wishes
