Friday, November 27, 2009

Basket Case Quilter's - Part 2

I'm very pleased to have gotten another couple of my "basket blocks" completed.

This month's block involved learning how to make "ruche flowers". I had enjoyed researching about this unique style that came to be used in the Baltimore quilts.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Even though I haven't posted much recently. I have been busy!!!

We have had wind-ups of different church ministries.

Keeping up with some swap block commitments.

Working on Christmas gifts.

Keeping the household running, while hubby is committed to an 8 day fortnight at head office, meaning he's away from the family.

Now commencing involvement in a community project - making a quilt, with other patchworkers, for our town's 100th anniversary.

So I am here. I do keep up with blogs of my friends.


Elaine is having a "Thanksgiving (Quilting) Give-A-Way." Pay her a visit, you maybe thankful you did!